NSN Pays Courtesy Visit to Emir of Kano – Muhammadu Sanusi II

The Nutrition Society of Nigeria (NSN) paid a courtesy visit to the Emir of Kano, His Highness Muhammadu Sanusi II, who is also the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of NSN, on Thursday, June 13th, 2024. The visit marked a significant event following the recent reinstatement of Emir Sanusi to his esteemed position.

The delegation, led by NSN President Prof. W. A. O. Afolabi, included members of the National Executive Council, the Board of Trustees, and representatives from the Kano State chapter. Prof. Afolabi congratulated the Emir on behalf of the entire NSN membership, expressing the Society’s collective joy and support for his reinstatement.

A key highlight of the visit was the presentation of a Congratulatory Message Plaque to the Emir by the NSN President, symbolizing the Society’s admiration and respect for his leadership and contributions.

Notable NSN members in attendance included Dr. B. I. C. Brai, Immediate Past President, Prof. Ignatius Onimawo, former President and BoT member, Prof. Hafiz Abubakar, BoT member, Mr. Patrick Ogbonna, NSN Acting National General Secretary, Dr. Maimuna Aliyu Ladidi, NSN Vice President (North), and Mr. Auwal A. Ahmad, Kano State Chapter Chairman, among others.

The visit underscored the deep respect and appreciation NSN holds for Emir Sanusi and his influential role within the Society and the broader community. NSN recognizes His Highness’ relentless efforts in advocating for a well-nourished Nigeria. It was a memorable occasion that reinforced the commitment of the Society to its mission under the distinguished leadership of Emir Sanusi.

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1 Comment
  1. Thank you our president and your team for the visit , we hoped that the said visit well continue in all the zone, this will encourage the us (members) to see our National Executive Council, the Board of Trustees, in our various state.
    thank you once again


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