NSN | Education Committee Webinar

The Nutrition Society of Nigeria (Education Committee) is inviting you to a webinar titled

“Leveraging AI for Enhanced Nutrition Education in Nigeria”

This webinar will provide insights on:

✓How AI is integrated into Nutrition Education.
✓Key areas where AI can contribute significantly to Nutrition Research.
✓Innovative applications and future research directions for AI in Nutrition Education.

Date: Saturday July 27, 2024
Time: 7:00PM – 8:30PM

This webinar is open to all NSN members, Professionals in related fields, and Students

Click on the link below to register for the webinar.

Registration before the webinar date is compulsory as limited slots are available, Don’t miss this opportunity to be at the forefront of nutrition education advancement.

See the flyer below for more details

NutritionEducation #AI #Webinar #NutritionSocietyofNigeria #Nigeria #HealthTech

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